
You are a coach or community leader

If you think you’re not ready for the cover of Male Model Magazine, here’s news: You’re a model whether you auditioned for the role or not. If you’re a coach or community leader, the boys in your life are watching you. They’re soaking up experiences for reference and use. And the things you say and do will help shape their attitudes on gender-based violence. We have the stories, tips, videos and tools to help you raise and mentor boys who value women and girls and treat them with respect.   Access the new I’m A Male Model Brochure via downloadable PDF.

As a coach or community leader you are in a unique and influential position. You have the potential to mentor young men in many ways that are not about how far they can throw, kick, or run. You have an opportunity to share the skills and tools for boys to become men who are able to develop healthy relationships free from violence and inequality.

The White Ribbon Ontario Men’s Survey (2012) found that men in Ontario show a degree of ambivalence and misunderstanding in their beliefs towards rape and sexual assault, even though most (89%) do not believe women are to blame. Men need more information and awareness as it relates to seeking and understanding consent.

Teaching boys and young men how to achieve consent, set boundaries, use respectful communication in all their relationships and value women and girls is something we can all do.

Explore the links on the left to access tips, links, and other resources.[/vc_column_text]


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