
It starts with you. It stays with him. is an online-based, social media campaign developed by the White Ribbon Canada and Le Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions to inspire men to promote healthy, equal relationships with the boys in their lives. Helping young people achieve consent, set boundaries, value people of all genders and use respectful communication in all their relationships is something we can all do.

White Ribbon Canada (WRC)

White Ribbon Canada (WRC) is the largest effort in the world of men working to end violence against women. In over sixty countries, campaigns are led by both men and women, with a focus on educating men and boys.

The white ribbon is a symbol of a man’s pledge to never commit, condone, or remain silent about violence against women.

WRC is a non-profit organization focused on challenging men to speak out; educating young people through direct youth engagement; raising public awareness about gender-based violence; working in partnership with women’s organizations; and supporting campaigns around the globe to create a future with no violence against women.

WRC Vision

White Ribbon Canada is an organization dedicated to a future that has no violence against women and girls.

Ontario Men’s Survey

WRC conducted an Ontario-wide survey of men’s attitudes and behaviours towards violence against women in May, 2012. The survey consisted of a 15 minute telephone poll conducted by Leger Marketing, with a random sample of 1,064 Ontario men, 18 years of age and over. The sample included 50 Francophone men.

The goal of this study is to understand male attitudes in order to inform, shape, and influence future initiatives and to serve as a baseline against which changes can be monitored over time.

Le Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions (COPA)

COPA is a Francophone provincial training and consultation body striving to reduce children’s and young people’s vulnerability to assault and to break the cycle of violence. COPA’s goals are to:

  1. develop, consolidate, and disseminate child/youth assault prevention resources, based on child and youth advocacy; and, to
  2. consolidate and support a Franco-Ontarian resource network in the field of child and youth violence prevention.
    COPA works to expand the scope of this resource network, in particular to support the establishment of high quality assault prevention education programming in French in Ontario, as well as the creation of new tools and resources for assault prevention.


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