White Ribbon
Men working to end violence against women. Information, materials, and resources to engage men and boys in promoting gender equality. Check out our resources.
Dad Central Canada
Committed to strong, healthy children by affirming and valuing the bond between fathers and their children, Dad Central Canada works to provide relevant and well-crafted information for fathers and for individuals, agencies, and programs working with fathers.
Dads and Daughters
Learn how men can be better fathers, and how everyone can help dads enrich and strengthen families and communities.
Black Daddies Club
Promoting an image of the black father as responsible, involved and loving role model.
LGBT Parenting Network
Resources, information and support for LGBT parents and their families.
Neighbours, Friends and Families Campaign
Public education campaign, raising awareness about the signs of violence against women.
Promoting Healthy Equal Relationships
Tips, lesson plans and games for educators, youth and parents.
Women’s Issues Ontario
Promoting safety and economic well-being for women, by fostering partnerships with and among different sectors of society.
Kids Health
Practical parenting information and news.
Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres
Education, economic development, children’s and youth initiatives, and cultural awareness, serving the needs of Aboriginal people.
The Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children
Not-for-profit, community-based organization working to prevent and end violence against diverse women, youth, and children.
Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
Collective voice for immigrant-serving agencies, responding to shared needs and concerns.
Kids Help Phone
Toll-free, national, bilingual, phone and web counselling, referral and information service for children and youth.
Can I Kiss You and The Date Safe Project
Provides parents, educators, educational institutions, students, military installations, community organizations, state agencies, faith-based institutions, and federal government resources, educational materials, and programming addressing consent, healthy intimacy, sexual education, sexual assault awareness, bystander intervention, and support for sexual assault survivors.
Futures Without Vioelnce – USA
Working to prevent violence within the home and in the community, and to help those whose lives are devastated by violence.
Men Can Stop Rape – USA
Mobilizing male youth to prevent men’s violence against women.
White Ribbon Campaign – Brazil
White Ribbon Campaign – Pakistan
White Ribbon Day – Australia
Sonke Gender Justice Network – South Africa
Working with men, women, youth and children in southern, east and central Africa to achieve gender equality, prevent violence, and reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS.
Promundo – Brazil
Promoting gender equity, and preventing violence against children, youth, and women, in Brazil and around the world.
Instituto Papai – Brazil
Development and promotion of programs and services to achieve equality between men and women through advocacy and policy changes.
Promoting gender equality and women’s health from a human rights point of view in partnership with local NGOs at the district and rural level in India.
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